Advanced Topics

Request Signature from API Consumer View

The consumer should usually obtain the secret key in a secure channel, then he calcualtes the signature and send it with each request. SASigning is expecting the signature to be in SIGNATURE header.

Skeleton of a Signed Request


GET /endpoint HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Host: localhost
Accept: application/json
API-SIGNATURE: <hash-calculated-with-secret-key (HMAC)>


curl -i http://localhost/endpoint -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Api-Signature: <hash-calculated-with-secret-key (HMAC)>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


http http://localhost/endpoint Accept:application/json Api-Signature:'<hash-calculated-with-secret-key (HMAC)>' Content-Type:application/json


requests.get('http://localhost/endpoint', headers={
    'Accept': 'application/json',
    'Api-Signature': '<hash-calculated-with-secret-key (HMAC)>',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',

What Needed for Signature Calculation from The Client

  • Secret Key
  • Delimeter
  • Fields used to construct the signature.
  • Hash function used.

Steps for Signature Calculation

  1. You should generate ‘<field-1>(delimeter)<field-2>(delimeter)<field-n>(delimeter)<secret key>’ string.

Default string ``<endpoint><method(GET, POST)><secret>``

The message that calculates the signature contains the fields of the requests separated by a delimeter and concatenated in the end with the secret key.

  1. Create HMAC with a Hash function with the secret key.
  2. Encode64 the output.
Default Fields used in SASigning:
 Endpoint (Ex: /users/) Request Method (GET, POST, …)
Default Delimeter:
 Empty string ('')
Default Hash Function:

Python Example

def compute_signature(secret, method, path):
    """Return computed signature."""
    # method (request.mehtod), path (request.path)
    params = [path, method, secret]
    data = "".join(params)
    computed_sig =
        secret.encode('utf-8'), msg=data.encode('utf-8'),
    return b64encode(computed_sig).decode()

NodeJS Example

var cryto = require('crypto');
var data = endpoint + '' + method + '' + secretKey
var hash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secretKey).update(data);

SASigning Settings

You can customize how the signature is computed using the following settings.


Required String. It is the secret key used in signature computation in both backend and API consumer.

This secret key should be passed to API consumer in a secure way.
This version supports only one consumer with one secret key

Optional String. By default empty string ''


Optional List. by default ['path', 'method'].

It is a list of attributes that are resolved from `request` object.
If not found in `request` object, it tries to be resolved from `request.META`.
If not found a `ValueError` exception is raised.

Optional String. By default sha256.

You can use any hash function from hashlib Library